Not necessarily related to a particular state or location, but valuable information nevertheless.
Just as I was checking out of a bed and breakfast in Wilmington, NC, recently after a research trip that included enjoyable rounds of golf at Porter's Neck and the Nicklaus course at Landfall, the...
More than 150 golf clubs across the land, including my own Hop Meadow Country Club in Simsbury, CT, have signed on to the Private Club Network, making these otherwise private clubs accessible to each...
Like virtually eveyone else, I'll watch the Super Bowl on Sunday night, if for no other reason than to be sure it will truly be over (in the way the Transylvanian townspeople needed to be absolutely...
Mark Zilbert (rhymes with Dilbert, we suppose) is one casualty of the condo collapse in Miami, according to today's Wall Street Journal. But rather than taking a swan dive off one of the city's...
From time to time we can't help ourselves and must comment on a subject at least tangentially related to the core mission of this site. This is the first. We invite and encourage your own musings on...
Golf Tipsmagazine agrees with us. In the slick magazine’s Golf Travel Annual edition, published in December, the editors feature “Live the Dream! Best Golf Communities.” Four of the 15 communities...
It has been a month since National Association of Realtor's flack cum economist David Lereah has pronounced the bottom of the housing market. We miss him. So here is his most recent prediction, from...
The following was posted on the discussion board at "I too am thinking about relocating to the Beaufort (SC) area. Where I live in the northeastern part of Florida is very...
Quick, what's the first course that comes to mind when you hear the word "Pinehurst?" Pinehurst #2? One of the other numbered courses? Maybe Pine Needles or Mid-Pines, the Ross classics? Most of us...
North Carolina communities like Albemarle Plantation in Hertford are a magnet for Florida residents who miss a little change of seasons. Wherever we go in the southeast, we hear the same thing from...
In the history of critical writing, today's launch of won't amount to a hill of beans for anyone but my wife and kids -- and them I am not too sure about. They thought I spent...
According to the December issue of Smart Money, the most undervalued market for housing in all of the U.S. is Montgomery, AL. After bond rate appreciations of 6% each of the last two years, the...